Embedded in a Continuous Improvement framework for manufacturing facilities
Embedded in Black Belt, Green Belt and Yellow Belt training curriculum
Jumpstarted the redesign of a global new supplier and ingredient approval process
Jumpstarted the design of a new social emotional support process
A Fortune 500 food provider embedded PAR1 in its Management Operating Structure to provide a consistent way of operating at all its manufacturing facilities. PAR1 was framed up using the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) methodology. The 2-day workshops were delivered to over 30 plant management teams, including first line supervisors.
Application work focused on 1) selecting processes to be redesigned that were linked to key goals and objectives, 2) reducing the variability in process behavior that will improve product quality and process velocity, 3) engaging associates as knowledge experts to simplify how work gets done, 4) designing out non-value-added activities in processes, 5) beginning to mobilize improvement efforts at organization, cross-functional, departmental and individual levels, and 6) beginning to galvanize a team’s thinking to open up how they think about work and how to do it better with measurable progress.
Session deliverables included the following:
A Fortune 500 worldwide consumer electronics and telecommunications company embedded PAR1 in its Six Sigma movement. The PAR1 concepts and simulation were the foundation for several courses in its Black Belt, Green Belt and Yellow Belt training curriculum. The courses were framed up using the DMAIC and DMADV methodologies.
The Yellow Belt curriculum included 2 2-day courses: 1) for executives leading improvement efforts and 2) for tools training. Application work focused on identifying and scoping out strategic projects. Black Belt and Green Belt programs embedded and intertwined PAR1 concepts with change management and advance process improvement concepts and tools.
Projects identified in the courses were managed within the organizations project management structure.
An animal nutrition solutions provider used PAR1 to jumpstart the redesign of its global supplier and ingredient approval process.
Using the DMAIC framework, we customized and conducted a 3-day PAR1 workshop with SMEs from different parts of the process. We used a process innovation approach to challenge paradigms around the existing process and create a new process design.
The team identified actions to begin pilot testing a new process within two months that will reduce the time approve a new high complexity supplier by 60%. This will allow the company to act quicker to capture market opportunities and reduce time spent on duplicate and non-value-added work.
A school district with 21,000 students used the Sustainable Innovation workshop to jumpstart the design of a new district-wide Tier 1 Social Emotional Support process.
We designed and conducted a 3-day workshop focused on improving student outcomes. Application work focused on building processes to maintain values, including keeping kids in the classroom, educating the whole child, and having systems (processes and technology) across the district that support schools, students, staff and families.
The workshop included identifying pain points that would keep the district from reaching its goals around a new district-wide process, addressing what needed to be built into the new process design to overcome these pain paints, and creating a new process design that shows actions needed by each support provider.
Outcomes of the new Social Emotional Support process include:
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